Marissa Phillips
Thrive. Our mission is to create a sustainable music program where children can realize their potential and begin to heal and grow through the power of music.
Please join AMF in building a music program for Reencontro, a local NGO in Mozambique where children orphaned by AIDS can regain hope for their futures. Reencontro provides for the needs of these forgotten children with a holistic approach, by addressing not only their physical needs, but also their psycho-social, medical, and educational needs.
The goal of Thrive is to use music and its profound efficacy to create an outlet for Mozambican youth to foster creativity and expression, practice positive coping skills, experience unity and harmony, and discover the rich depths of their potential.
Through donations from organizations and individuals like you, we will be able to provide the youth at Reencontro with instruments to keep, as well as create a structured program where they can consistently be united by common goals pertaining to music. Implementing Thrive will make the following possible at Reencontro:
-provide instruments and focused lessons to students
-create a choir for students to be united through voice
-facilitate groups in song-writing and drumming
-foster expression through workshops combining music + art + movement
-use music for holistic wellbeing: music for relaxation and meditation
Thrive is becoming a reality through the dedication of committed friends and institutions.
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Trive Facebook
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AMF project : Reencontro